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Upneeq services offered in Roswell, NM and Waldorf, MD

Droopy eyelids make you look tired and aged, but the revolutionary prescription eye drops, Upneeq®, can help. Ayanna Williams, DNP, PMHNP-BC, of Nirvana Healthcare Services, provides in-person Upneeq consultations at the office in Waldorf, Maryland, and telehealth services to patients in Roswell, New Mexico. With regular use, you’ll see a noticeable lift in your droopy eyelids, so you look brighter and younger. Call today or use this website to book an appointment at one of the locations.

What is Upneeq®?

Upneeq is a unique prescription eye drop that temporarily lifts drooping eyelids. Eyelid drooping, or ptosis, is a condition that can make you look tired or old. Your eyes may look smaller, and drooping lids can also interfere with vision.

Your lids may be droopy due to aging, genetics, underlying medical conditions, or prior eye surgery. In some cases, droopy lids can result from certain cosmetic injections that accidentally travel to the eyelid muscles from their original placement in the forehead. 

How does Upneeq work?

Upneeq is an alternative to eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty. The FDA-approved eye drops contain the active ingredient oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution – the same ingredient used in nasal spray to contract blood vessels. 

You insert one drop in each eye every day. The active ingredient triggers the Muller’s muscle, or levator palpebrae muscle, to contract and raise the upper lid. 

What kind of results will I get from Upneeq?

You’ll see an average lift of about 1 millimeter in your upper eyelid after your first use. That’s enough to notice a difference in your appearance. 

Each dose of Upneeq lasts at least six hours. You should only use one dose per day. 

You can use Upneeq along with other eye drops or contact lenses. Wait 15 minutes after using Upneeq before applying other eye solutions. 

Am I a good candidate for Upneeq?

Patients with mild, moderate, or severe ptosis, or eyelid sagging, are candidates for Upneeq. Dr. Williams reviews your medical history and any supplements or medications you’re taking to ensure the product is right for you. Upneeq can interfere with the action of some medications, including beta blockers and hypertensive drugs.

Upneeq is right for you if you’re not quite ready to have eyelid surgery. The product cannot offer lasting treatment, however, like surgery can. Upneeq provides only mild lifting to your eyelids.

If you’re looking for a way to lift your eyelids and open up your expression, reach out to Nirvana Healthcare Services to learn more about Upneeq. Call today or use the online tool to book an appointment at the nearest location.